Practical exercises & teaching real classes with feedback for Lindy Hop teachersThis course is primarily for previous participants of "Teachers Academy Online - step 1" and if there is space we will also accept other teachers with enough experience. The workshop will focus on the practical aspects of teaching, including personal feedback on your own teaching, seminars, exercises and practical teaching followed by input and advice from us and other participants.
Before the workshop you will receive assignments to prepare before arrival. Part of the workshop will consist of you teaching real classes with actual students on a topic that you have presented with a plan for us to feedback you in advance with ideas, possible improvements and general advice. After your class we will then discuss constructive feedback within the group of teachers. We will make sure all communication is done in a positive and encouraging manner. There will also be a seminar for questions that might have appeared after implementing ideas and material from the Teachers Academy, step 1 course.
Previous experienceYou don't need to be used to teach very high levels but be experienced and comfortable in your role as a teacher. First and foremost you are ready to take the next steps to develop even further in your teaching. If you are uncertain whether you have enough experience to join the course, please contact us and describe your background: [email protected]
TravelThere are domestic flights from Stockholm and Gothenburg to Luleå with SAS, Norwegian and Ryanair. All flights can be found at
To fully confirm your registration, please follow the payment instructions at the end of the registration form. PRICE260 Euro/person
Time & PlaceWorkshop start: Thursday June 15 at 6 pm (mutual dinner and start up meeting) and workshop classes start on Friday June 16 at 10 am.
Workshop ends: Sunday June 18 at 4 pm. Venue: Bastugatan 6, 97241 Luleå, Sweden (see map below). HousingIn Luleå City there are plenty of hotels to chose from. It is also possible to find good alternatives through AirBnB.
FoodThe workshop venue is located in Luleå city center with plenty of open restaurants in the nearby area. A complete list of alternatives can be found at Tripadvisor.