A mix of videoclasses (that you can work with at any time suitable for you) and live sessions where we discuss and talk in person (topics on request).
10 weeks of guided home studies for anyone teaching or want to be teaching Lindy Hop. TEACHERSMain teachers: Åsa and Daniel Heedman - professional Lindy Hop teachers/dancers for 30 years. They've been studying with some of the original Lindy Hop dancers and the creators of this dance, like the legendary Mr Frankie Manning and Ms Norma Miller.
Guest teacher: Lennart Westerlund - co-founder of the famous dance troupe The Rhythm Hot Shots and also co-founder of what became the world's largest and most well known dance camp in Lindy Hop. He is one of very few active Lindy Hop dancers who actually got to study with artist like The Nicholas Brothers, Mr Albert Minns, Ms Norma Miller and of course; Frankie Manning who was training the dance troupe The Rhythm Hot Shots for weeks during the later years of 1980´s. Lennart is probably the most important person for why Lindy Hop became so big in Sweden and has had a big impact on the spreading of the Lindy Hop to the world. He is also the founder of Chicago Swing Dance Studio in Stockholm which immediately became a famous place for the dance scene in Stockholm. Lindy Hop in the world. He is also the founder of Chicago Swing Dance Studio in Stockholm which immediately became a popular venue and school for swing dancers. COURSE CONTENT
LIVE SESSIONSPreliminary times:
Wednesday Feb 5, 14:00 - 15:30 (CET) Wednesday Feb 26, 14:00 - 15:30 (CET) Wednesday Mars 12, 14:00 - 15:30 (CET) Wednesday April 2, 14:00 - 15:30(CET) The live sessions will be recorded and made available to all participants after each session. REGISTRATIONTo fully confirm your registration and receive all course material, please follow the payment instructions at the end of the registration form.